Month: March 2016


Trudging On

Kellie Haddock is a courageous woman I’ve known of and admired for more than a decade. In 2004, I first read the blog she penned following a tragic car accident that took the life of her husband and left her baby, Eli, with permanent injuries.

Never Forsaken

Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky said, “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” With that in mind, I read an online article describing “The Top 8 Deadliest Prisons in the World.” In one of these prisons every prisoner is held in solitary confinement.

We are intended to live and relate in relationships and community, not in isolation. This is what makes solitary confinement such a harsh punishment.

Isolation is the agony Christ suffered when His eternal relationship with the Father was broken on the cross. We hear this in His cry captured in Matthew 27:46: “About three…

The motive behind Jesus laying down his life

Why we do something is as important as how we do something. That’s because motive matters. Today on “Discover the Word,” we talk about Jesus’s motive for laying down His life on the cross. Hebrews 12 tells us that it was “for the joy that was set before Him.” But what was that joy? It’s all wrapped up in the words “It is finished.” Listen to the Good Friday edition of “Discover the Word.”

Finding Focus

In 1977, Chris Bonington and Doug Scott became the first mountain climbers to summit an infamous peak known as The Ogre in Pakistan. During their descent, however, Doug slipped and broke both of his legs. Chris also had a mishap resulting in several broken ribs. Doug, who crawled for 12 days over rocks, snow, and ice to make it back down the mountain, said he did so by focusing on “one feature at a time. A nub of rock, a pinnacle. Get there and then think about the next bit. Because to think about the whole thing was a bit…

When God says no

Life doesn’t always go as planned. Most of the time we can adjust and simply roll with the punches. But how do we cope when our deepest dreams are crushed? Sheridan and Merryn tell their story of infertility, broken dreams, and God’s faithfulness through it all.

Three-Word Obituary

Before Stig Kernell died, he told the local funeral home that he didn’t want a traditional obituary. Instead, the Swedish man instructed them to publish only three words noting his passing: “I am dead.” When Mr. Kernell died at age 92, that’s exactly what appeared. The audacity and simplicity of his unusual death notice captured the attention of newspapers around the world. In a strange twist, the international curiosity about the man with the three-word obituary caused more attention to his death than he intended.

When Jesus was crucified, the Lord’s obituary could have read, “He is dead.” But after 3…

The perfect sacrifice completed on the cross

Jesus’s death on the cross appeared to be a failed rescue mission. Yet, His final words, “It is finished,” meant the perfect sacrifice had been completed once and for all. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will explore the ancient Jewish context of sacrifice. It will give you a deeper understanding of Christ’s atonement for your own sins. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!

All Alone

The familiar darkness of clinical depression rolled over Leigh as she sat on the edge of the bed holding a revolver—tormenting voices urging her to pull the trigger. As a Christian wife and mom, she knew this picture was all wrong, but the consuming illness had clouded her mind. Apart from her husband and doctor, no one knew of the daily struggle she faced. Leigh slowly put the gun down, walked out the room, and chose to begin reaching out and sharing her story with others.

3 Reasons Why Christians Need to be Hearing the Gospel—Again

“Good morning! This is the gospel, it’s free,” the middle-aged man said brightly as he extended a tract titled “If Only” to the lady walking ahead of me. When she shook her head, he turned to me and offered the same tract.

The Olive Press

If you visit the village of Capernaum beside the Sea of Galilee, you will find an exhibit of ancient olive presses. Formed from basalt rock, the olive press consists of two parts: a base and a grinding wheel. The base is large, round, and has a trough carved out of it. The olives were placed in this trough, and then the wheel, also made from heavy stone, was rolled over the olives to extract the oil.

On the night before His death, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives overlooking the city of Jerusalem. There, in the garden called Gethsemane, He…

Looking Deeper

Looking Deeper

The Looking Deeper series offers great Bible teaching for Christians. Whether you are a new Christian or a mature believer, we have a range of short Bible studies on many crucial topics and questions. These booklets are quick and easy to read, offering accessible and engaging introductions and explanations about tough subjects. They are great for personal study or to…

Nate Glasper

Nate Glasper is the Worship Leader at Grace for the Nations Church and is also a guest worship leader for DeVos Urban Initiative in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a featured worship leader for the Assembly of Global Partners and has been a guest music artist for the Gatherings of Hope. Nate serves on the music department faculty of Calvin…

Dashed expectations

Everyone experiences dashed expectations. We expect things to finish one way, but they turn out completely different. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss how the Jewish people had trouble accepting Jesus as the Messiah because they expected Him to come as a conquering king. Instead, He came as a suffering servant. Join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

Go the Extra Mile

Three boys hatched a plan to earn enough money to buy their own brand-new bicycles. Their strategy was to call around their neighborhood, offering to do yard work or run an errand in exchange for a small amount of cash.

What is the Mark of A Great Man?

Exactly a year ago, my country lost a remarkable man. Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding prime minister, passed away at the age of 91 on 23 March, 2015, after battling severe pneumonia.

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